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Trademark registration in Kazakhstan
A trademark is a mark used to distinguish goods (services) of certain legal entities or individuals from similar goods (services) of other legal entities or individuals.
Visual, verbal, alphabetic, numeric, three-dimensional and other marks or its combinations may be registered as a trademark.
A trademark can be registered in any color or color combination.
Trademarks legal protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan is granted on the basis of state registration,
as well as without registration due to international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Trademarks legal protection is granted to individuals or legal entities.
Application for a trademark to an expert organization is submitted by one applicant.
An application for a trademark must contain:
- name of applicant, as well as his place of performance or residence;
-a trademark;
- a list of goods and (or) services in accordance with the International Classification of Goods and Services.
- a document confirming the payment for the services patent office for filing and examination;
- power of attorney.
Examination of the application is carried out in stages:
- preliminary examination - within one month from the date of filing the application;
- full examination - within seven months from the date of filing the application.
Within five working days from the date of completion of the preliminary examination,
information on the application is published weekly in the bulletin.
Trademark in Kazakhstan is valid for 10 years with the possibility of further extension for a period of every 10 years.
Representation by a trademark attorney
Foreign applicant is represented by trademark attorney.
The application and attached documents are submitted in Kazakh or Russian languages.